Points 2 Prove
The Ultimate Police Handbook
How often does (...) make threats to harm you or things you care about such as people, pets or property? |
How often does (...) call you names, humiliate or degrade you? |
How often does (...) control your daily activities such as how you dress or how you perform household tasks? |
How often does (...) deny you access to money or control what you can spend it on? |
How often does (...) make you account for where you have been or monitor your phone, email or social media to check up on you? |
How often does (...) follow or stalk you, or try to contact you when you do not want them to? |
How often do you feel isolated or like you have no one to turn to for support? |
How often does (...) use physical violence towards you such as pushing, slapping, punching or kicking? |
How often does (...) strangle you or attempt to choke, suffocate, or drown you? |
How often does (...) use or threaten to use weapons such as household items, knives or guns to hurt you? |
How often does (...) threaten or attempt suicide? |
Have you recently separated from (...) or do you plan to separate from them? [If yes] Has this/will this put you in danger? |
Is the abuse you are experiencing from (...) getting worse? |
Has (...) ever threatened to kill you and you believed they were capable of doing it? |
Has (...) ever hurt the children? |
Does (...) use child contact arrangements to control you or continue to abuse you? |
Are you pregnant or have you recently had a baby? |
On a scale of 0 to 10, where "0" is not at all likely and "10" is very likely, how likely do you think it is that (...) will seriously injure you in the future? |