Points 2 Prove

The Ultimate Police Handbook

DASH Checklist


Has the current incident resulted in injury?
Are you very frightened?
What are you afraid of? Is it further injury or violence?
Do you feel isolated from family/friends?
Are you feeling depressed or having suicidal thoughts?
Have you separated or tried to separate from [name of abusers)] within the past year?
Is there conflict over child contact?
Does [name of abusers)] constantly text, call, contact, follow, stalk or harass you?
Are you pregnant or have you recently had a baby (within the last 18 months)?
s the abuse happening more often?
Is the abuse getting worse?
Does [name of abusers)] try to control everything you do and/or are they excessively jealous?
Has [name of abusers)] ever used weapons or objects to hurt you?
Has [name of abusers)] ever threatened to kill you or someone else and you believed them?
Has [name of abusers)] ever attempted to strangle / choke /suffocate / drown you?
Does [name of abusers)] do or say things of a sexual nature that make you feel bad or that physically hurt you or someone else?
Is there any other person who has threatened you or who you are afraid of?
Do you know if [name of abuser(s)] has hurt anyone else?
Has [name of abuser(s)] ever mistreated an animal or the family pet?
Are there any financial issues?
Has [name of abuser(s)] had problems in the past year with drugs (prescription or other), alcohol or mental health leading to problems in leading a normal life?
Has [name of abusers)] ever threatened or attempted suicide?
Has [name of abuser(s)] ever broken bail/an injunction and/or formal agreement for when they can see you and/or the children?
Do you know if [name of abuser(s)] has ever been in trouble with the police or has a criminal history?