Points 2 Prove
The Ultimate Police Handbook
A structured briefing format for emergency responders.
I - Information (what, where, when, how, how many? Timeline of events (if applicable), key facts reported using METHANE).
I - Intent (why are we here, what are we trying to achieve? Strategic aim and objectives).
M - Method (how are we going to do it?
Command, control and coordination arrangements, tactical and operational policy anc plans, contingency plans).
A - Administration (what is required for effective, efficient and safe implementation? Identification of commanders, tasking, timing, decision logs, equipment, dress code, PPE, welfare, food, logistics.
R - Risk Assessment (risks and how to mitigate them, reflecting the JESIP principle of joint understanding of risk.
C - Communications (how are we going to initiate and maintain communications with all partners and interested parties? Understanding of interagency communications, information assessment, media handling and joint media strategy.
H - Human rights/ Humanitarian issues (What May arise from this event and our response to it?)
I - Information (what, where, when, how, how many? Timeline of events (if applicable), key facts reported using METHANE).
I - Intent (why are we here, what are we trying to achieve? Strategic aim and objectives).
M - Method (how are we going to do it?
Command, control and coordination arrangements, tactical and operational policy anc plans, contingency plans).
A - Administration (what is required for effective, efficient and safe implementation? Identification of commanders, tasking, timing, decision logs, equipment, dress code, PPE, welfare, food, logistics.
R - Risk Assessment (risks and how to mitigate them, reflecting the JESIP principle of joint understanding of risk.
C - Communications (how are we going to initiate and maintain communications with all partners and interested parties? Understanding of interagency communications, information assessment, media handling and joint media strategy.
H - Human rights/ Humanitarian issues (What May arise from this event and our response to it?)