Points 2 Prove
The Ultimate Police Handbook
Assisting an Offender
s.4(1) Criminal Law Act 1967
A person has committed an arrestable offence, any other person who, knowing or believing him to be guilty of the offence or of some other arrestable offence, does without lawful authority or reasonable excuse any act with intent to impede his apprehension or prosecution shall be guilty of an offence.
Points to Prove
- The principal offender has committed an arrestable offence;
- The accused knows or believes that the principal offender has committed that or some other arrestable offence
- The accused does any act with intent to imped the apprehension or prosecution of the principal offender; and
- The act is done without lawful authority or reasonable excuse
- The accused knows or believes that the principal offender has committed that or some other arrestable offence
- The accused does any act with intent to imped the apprehension or prosecution of the principal offender; and
- The act is done without lawful authority or reasonable excuse
Offence Type
Crime Recording
PNC Recordable
Crime Report Required