Points 2 Prove
The Ultimate Police Handbook
s.1(1) Theft Act 1968
It is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain, or is made for the thiefs own benefit.
Points to Prove
- Property
- Belonging to another
- With the intention
- To permanently deprive another of it
Offence Type
Charging Codes
TH68001 - Theft from ther person of another
TH68002 - Theft in a dwelling other than an automatic machine or meter
TH68003 - Theft by employee
TH68004 - Theft of a mail bag or postal packet
TH68006 - Theft of a pedal cycle
TH68007 - Theft from a motor vehicle
TH68009 - Theft from a vehicle
TH68010 - Theft from a shop
TH68012 - Theft from a meter or automatic machine
TH68013 - Theft of a motor vehicle
TH68015 - Theft of a conveyance other than a motor vehicle or pedal cycle
TH68016 - Theft by sneak-in
TH68017 - Theft of a fixture by a tenant
TH68018 - Theft of a wild creature
TH68019 - Theft of wild flowers
TH68020 - Theft by finding
Crime Recording
PNC Recordable
Crime Report Required